The works of Crash-Stop - Playing with Hydra

I gave up painting after downloading images from a cheap digital camera and becoming fascinated by how they had become inadvertently glitched.


Images: From broken cities / Rebuilding the ghosts of forgotten cities/You are my search history/borderland of bad jpgs. Animation by ThunderPerfectWitchcraft.

Crash-Stop is a glitch-artist from Ireland. He uses and combines various techniques to create art that often incorporates a particular duality; his pieces range from (distortedly) representational to highly abstract. His works negotiates important contemporary issues, but it is also ontologically informed, as it touches upon central questions about the nature of being itself. Whereas his art (and the process of creating it by utilizing errors and malfunctions within systems) is inherently political, it is ambigious. A recurring theme in Crash-Stop's ouvre is the transformation of the world through the digital media technologies that he uses to create his pieces. The following five rooms will show a brief excerpt from this artists decades-long activity.

Crash-Stop is not only notable for his unique style, but also one of the few glitch-artits that only work with Free Software and licenses his pieces the code he writes to create them under free licenses.

More of Crash Stop's work can be seen on:

The Digital Museum is completely non-commercial project. If you like what you see, consider to give the artist a tip on Ko-Fi!

Warning: Contains flashing images, images that some might consider disturbing, and uses a lot bandwidth.


Room 1: Haunted Colors
Room 2: Digital People
Room 3: Melting Spaces
Room 4: Distorted Realities
Room 5: Breaking Codes

The Digital Museum is an attempt to make good on one of the original promises of the Internet: To create digital spaces open to everyone, where culture and art can thrive unafflicted by commercial interests and governmental control. Feel free to use the concept and name (or the layout, when needed) for your own digital exhibitions.
Got feedback, ideas, or suggestions (especially regarding possible artists for future exhibitions)? Please write a mail to (remove the "NOSPAM" in Capslock) or contact us on Mastodon.

All images and videos shown are created and owned by Crash-Stop, and licensed by him as CC-BY-SA 4.0
The Digital Museum is a project by Site design and code is public domain - just take it as you need it.