Incoanhyto is an attempt to create a tool that enforces dissolution. The art created with Incoanhyto is neither clearly game, nor literature - and it is impossible to say were a singular work ends and where another one begins. For the player, the author remains invisible and might even change between singular pages, and the structure of Incoanhyto encourages a swap of roles - players can become authors that can pour experience into art, and the authors have to - if they want to oversee to what their work transforms - also become readers, and interact with their lived-in world.
Story fragments ("Pages") can only be found by reading and following the stories they are intertwined to; but once found, the finder might intertwine them wherever they seem to fit. They might change over time.
The result is an incomprehensible (and sometimes maybe even impenetrable), living maze of stories and narratives, that might be sometimes even turn out surprising for those who created it.
Inspired by Taoist Philosophy, Postmodern Literature, and the Works of Jonas Mekas.