Free Folk
Freedom breeds creativity; what seems to be obvious to the most casual of observers somehow got lost in a thousand manuals for the creation of words, worlds, images, image, and so on. Freedom means taking a brush and disseminating oil without wondering whether it is sensible to tie your worth to the exact curve the line on the canvas will shape. Is there a 'right' combination of letters? Is there a 'right' way of combining sound or color?

Obviously not. But there is experience, discounted. Each new work tells you of the infinite recombinations of creation; as such, it suggests, we desire and copy. The most natural way of stealing, although the word implies a relationship of property that shall not be foundation of any serious discussion concerning human beings. Still - this inspiration; a wonderful, rainbow-colored de-gilded cage anyone builds for anyone.

When we are all linked to each other - as individuals, as entities, by share experience, and art, and life, and suffering; is each link, imagined as a rope that binds us together, also a rope that binds us, period?