
Cranes in a city

There is a city, called Hipolis - and every city that anyone ever imagined exists within its walls. The citizens of Hipolis usually think that they are inhabitants of these concepts of cities - that they life in New York, Mexico-City, in Amsterdam, Rome or Venice - but they are truly in Hipolis, and there is no way out. Since any city must exist within Hipolis, there are countless variations of every city in every state - you can find a Atlantis that never sunk, a Berlin that never got unified, but also the city where you usually live in - within every imaginable and unimaginable variation of what you would consider the reality, and whenever something does or does not happen anywhere, various new variations of the resulting city begin to exist within Hipolis. Some parts of Hipolis are in war with other parts of Hipolis; but at the same time the same parts of Hipolis are in peace with each other, somewhere else in Hipolis. At any time, there is a rocket flying over some part of Hipolis, and any city-part exists in various degrees of destruction. Whoever enters the city of Hipolis will be bound to leave it somewhere - but countless variations of them will remain there just as countless variations have already existed there.