CASSANDRA is a tool for the collaborative creation of Hyperlink Literature. and to perpetuate the Death of the Author.

Register by setting a username and a password, than click the "Register" Button.
After that you can login and create and edit "Pages" and "Stories"; depending of the configuration of the CASSANDRA instance you are working on, you might also be allowed to upload images.

Every page has an individual ID that can be used to link against.
To do so, you can either use the "Add Link" Option or the [hyper=ID]Text[/hyper] tag within your texts (the other available tags are [b][u][i] and [color=xxx]), or use the ID as "Opener" when creating a story.

You can allow other users to edit your pages and link to pages created by other users.

You can also create stories; stories are the entry point for a chain of pages and are shown on the index page (in a randomized order). To do so, click on "Create Story", and give in a Title, a short description, and the ID of the first page of the story ("Opener").

Trying to contact others is only possible within the texts and there is no reliable way to sign your stuff or to identify yourself.
It is not possible for (non-mod users) to identify single authors or find pages other than by following links (meaning that pages normally can only be found by opening your "stories" and following the links; once found, others might include your pages into their stories - the target of this is to create a fictional, abstract maze of prosa that can't be full understood even by those who particiapted in building it).

Note that there is moderation. Since CASSANDRA is relying heavily on the modification and usage of the entered texts you agree - by using it - to release your texts under the CC BY SA 4.0 License..

If you have questions, complaints, or need help contact me using

Please respect the rules. Have fun!