
The works of Crash-Stop - Distorted Realities

Rock music - a misuse of military equipment.

Friedrich Kittler

There are certain parallels between rock music and glitch art. In both cases, technologies developed for warfare are used (or, as Kittler formulated, misused), to distort, alienate, twist media into a new, subversive form, until altered media vanishes behind technical noise. Such art can question hegemonic morals, values, and even the dominant image of reality itself.

Crash-Stop often uses propaganda as basis for his glitch art with the defined goal to render the original material abstract and useless. This might tell us something about meaning in general, because no matter whether we can still identify the objects and persons depicted, the thing that remains constant and certain is their inevitable surrender to entropy.


untitled II

Some Ghosts never leave us

broken news cycles

generals and majors


A state of permanent war

denewsing the news

Words words words

the beast at work


All images and videos shown are created and owned by Crash-Stop, and licensed by him as CC-BY-SA 4.0
The Digital Museum is a project by Site design and code is public domain - just take it as you need it.