
A light, grey sky.

When we are young, we see everything as an example, as outcome of a set of fixed rules that condensate into various specimen. There is the reality of our body, our parents, our siblings, our flat or house, our village or town, our neighborhood, our school... And so on. All of these things seems to be there, and we have the illusion of exploring them; usually, we seem to assume automatically that the mechanisms that lead them to be there and the way they are, are fixed. And with them, we accept our own place within society as something that is mechanically determined.

What allows us to see behind this swindle? Intelligence alone isn't enough: There are many intellectuals from various fields who never recognize that most of this is human made, and can be changed if we decide to do so. Neither is experience guarantied to set us free: Some use their confrontation with the abyss to justify their rejection of freedom.
As far as I can tell, it is the pure wish, the desire to escape the society-machine that allows us to question the omnipotence of the ushers. First doubts will spring into ruptures within the walls that claim to be ancient and eternal, and suddenly ways will lead over the tracks that we thought to be impassable, and our mind learns to fly - yet, we are, bodily, dragged down to earth: The harsh reality that we intuitively first recognized when seeing the world never stops to lurk for us, ready to prevent those who attempt it from flying away.

If we want to survive, we must learn to deal within these points of tension. Losing your connection to the ground will turn you into a ghost that flies, disconnected from the material reality, to space. But loosing the connection to the sky and its freedom is even crueler: It will turn you into a rock - unable to feel, move, or take any influence onto the surrounding world.