The Wave

Industrial facilities at the seaside.

When thinking about us, our relatives and friends, we see individuals - we are free, with a free will and the ability to follow our own ideas and agendas. But as soon as we move far away, the individual becomes blurry - and at far distance, it becomes invisible, like a drop of water within an ocean wave.
This wave is bent by the wind, affected by the streams (and maybe affects the streams in return...?), but without a free will - instead, it follows the regularities of tides, of gravity, of the weather. And a single drop that tries to break away from it is clearly only a irregular splatter without any meaning for the great whole: Wherever it lands, it must either follow the way of the wave, or is swallowed by it.

In this dream, I see many cars upon a hill in the distance, so far away that they just melt into a single object - a snake of cars that sometimes detach from each another, but then grow into a single mass again. I stand there, inside all the asphalt and between the forests of concrete and glass, and I realize that within each of these cars, there sits at least one individual - but they become invisible, fictitious, from where I stand. And I, on the other hand, am invisible from their point of view - a part of the grey city mass they are facing. Like a background artist, or a secondary character that is brought up in a book, maybe there - but basically non-existent. And the whole option to let people suffer, to let them drown, or to bomb them away is a result of them becoming invisible within the blue of the distance.

Is our whole kind subject to mechanisms that are outside of the hold of the cloud formed by the collective constituted by it? Is the individual to blame for the course of society? Is the whole wave just a delusion, resulting from the movement of the water drops, that are the sovereign against all appearance?
It doesn't matter in the end.